Its a chemo christmas!

Well waiting game has commenced.
The constant checking on me every time I go use the restroom.

"I just pee'd, I'm fine, sorry to disappoint."

"Oh crap, is that a hot flash? Or just the 80 degree weather outside on Christmas in VA?"

I started feeling a little nausea on the third day the 23rd, so started some nausea pills (I have 3 different kinds, I basically start until it stops). And I kept up with the nausea meds for the next few days. It just felt like a constant hangover and flu combined. You know that flu where your bones and body ache, thats kind of how I felt. But you know that first part of it. It didn't get that bad, but just enough to be annoyed. For Christmas Eve, my family usually does a big Seafood Dinner, but considering my situation, we switched up gears this year and had a Slovak Christmas Eve dinner. Filled with starches and soups! Haluski Cabbage and cottage cheese, pirogies, stuffed cabbage, soups and poppyseed rolls. I thankfully didn't loose my appetite, these are all my favorite things, and I scarfed it all down! And even since then, I haven't lost my appetite, but rather since I just feel this slight nausea (sometimes worse) and feel hungover, I just want to snack all day and each starches and hungover food. I'm nervous I'm going to gain weight on chemo! Well this is only week 1. 

But to point out, I actually had a decent good first week on chemo and was able to play with my niece and cousins and enjoy my brother and uncle's visit. I was really tired and would run out of breath quickly and have to keep snacking to get rid of the hangover feel, but overall, I think pretty decent, especially considering it was Christmas! 

I started having a weird metal-ish taste in my mouth around Day 6-7. Which just makes me not really care for some things, like eggs...I can't stand to even look at eggs...but I was like that after the Mastectomy surgery too....couldn't stand eggs. Unless they are deviled, then I will enhale them. 

As far as family drama goes, my dad hit a pot hole the day after my chemo and popped his 2 tires in his Mercedes. So my parents now have 2 cars in the shop. My mom had to drive back down to Hopewell to take care of him and take him to his doc appointments on the 23rd. And then back up to the Farm for Christmas Eve. Oh and as we are just like get us through to Christmas. Our Christmas Tree falls. You know, when it rain, it pours. #passthevalium became a common saying around here.

We barely did gifts this year, because of the insanity of our life. BUT I DID GET A BANJO!!!!!! Pretty random, but why not?! My parents figured if anything it would be good therapy during chemo. So watch out world! 

merry christmas!
dani and her nauseous girls