Blame game
My doc from day one, has always said, so are you ready to cuss me out yet. And in all honestly I haven't cussed out anyone or thing. There is NO ONE or THING to blame for this.
I did NOT get breast cancer from not eating enough "greens." I did NOT get breast cancer from my aluminum deodorant. I did NOT get breast cancer from eating red meat. I did NOT get breast cancer from my cell phone. I did NOT get breast cancer because I don't go to church every day. I did NOT get breast cancer because I don't exercise everyday. I did NOT get breast cancer because I am a bad person. I did NOT get breast cancer because I am unlucky. I did NOT get breast cancer for being stressed running a business for 5 years.
I just got CANCER.
And we don't know why. The perfect storm of a genetic mutation and high hormones? Darwinism theory of survival of the fittest? The big man upstairs and universe's way of testing out my life motivation and inspiration?
So I will not blame my life choices, my family genetics, my doctor, my religion, my deodorant, Hopewell's water, not eating enough kale and quinoa, eating that processed hot dog.
Truth is we know 15% of all cancer. And from all the actual medical books and studies I have read, the only thing that seams to promote breast cancer is being obese, a smoker and an alcoholic. I am neither, so aside from genetics we don't know. And I do know, I did nothing in my life to get cancer.
But I do know, I will continue to live one hell of a life having survived cancer.
Dani and the forgiving girls