Tata Tatas
(This is a little #tbt post)
Well it is 2 weeks since my Tata Tata Party and as I go into another procedure tomorrow, I'm going back through these images as another reminder of how freakin' lucky I am. I have the best freaking family and friends a girl could ask for. And some of you may ask, what is a Tata Tata party, well it is just that, I had some good friends and family over the Tata Tuesday before my bilateral mastectomy to say TATA to my TATAS! ....and it was a blast!
As I ended up telling all my friends about the big cancer news, obviously the hugs, sorry to hears, etc. spewed out, the next thing was..."so when's the party?" And then on the opposite side, I had my parents, being like "what? you want a cancer party?" Ummm...yes....
They couldn't really argue...you know...the cancer card...
The weekend before was spent at a good friends wedding with all my good college friends, so that was a great last weekend to shimmy the girls around with them. So Tuesday would be the next best day.
I had dear friends travel hours to come see me and I truly felt grateful. As there were lots of laughs, lots of cries, there were also enough feel ups and motor boats for a good shindig. It really became more of an awareness campaign...meaning, I let ladies feel "Clawrilla" so really they can be aware of what to look for in themselves.
I received 2 awesome cakes. A beautiful one my brother and his mother made and decorated (thanks Teddy & Janet) that I apparently HAD to motorboat (don't worry there is a video). And one (thanks Lauren) with flaming nipples I had to blow out. Love the interactive quality in both!
But really a big purpose of the party was 1. to feel the love before the big surgery 2. see people whom I hadn't been able to yet since the big news 3. have fun and laugh about it before I lie in bed for weeks 4. and thank them for their support now and going forward.
My doctors found this all quite hilarious, if you can only imagine.
But thank you for giving the girls a nice party before they signed off.
Dani and the late and great girls