So I got tired of trying to tell people my long list of how many family members has had breast or ovarian cancer, so I went and designed me a flow chart. (pinks are breast cancer, teals are ovarian, grays are cancer free) My nurse and doctors were pretty speechless when I emailed them this. But thankfully because I had this history in my back pocket, no one has overlooked me. That is one good thing. So you look at this chart. Obviously I have some sort of genetic gene right, especially with me getting it at age 30.
Results just came in and I am negative for the "Haney BRCA 1" gene that was already found in my family AND also negative to any other strands or mutations of BRCA1, BRCA2 or anything else they know about. NEGATIVE. NE-GA-TIVE. I mean, talk about an all around shock factor.
It is kind of somewhat of a good thing, meaning since I don't have the BRCA genes my ovarian cancer risk should be a lot smaller. But really all this kind of means to me, is I now don't know how the hell I got it and I don't know what the hell else it wants. And honestly, I think I have some crazy mutated gene from everyone. Which actually makes me a little more worried..because of the unknown.
I think it would have been kind of nice knowing, yes you have the same Haney BRCA1 Gene that 3 of your family members have tested positive for. These 3 family members are alive and cancer free. (2 diagnosed + 1 just has the gene so far). Mostly so I can hang out with their survivor club. But, yes they will definitely still let me in even if I don't have the sacred gene. Damn, I love my family.
Truth is in all honesty, the geneticists, doctors, researchers don't know everything and I there is a chance I do have something genetic.
Whatever the results, this would not have changed my decision. It just helps figure out what to watch out for later in life. I'll see the genetic counselor in town to talk through all this. But as my doctor said today when we discussed it..."You already flunked the first have cancer." So lets get back to business and bring me up to passing scores!!!!